

The largest shipping companies of the Pitiusas are committed to the environment.
Balearia, Trasmapi and Mediterranea Pitiusa, have decided to move steps towards the environment, in order to protect the nature around us.
As of 2018, they have started to use more ecological and sustainable ships, pioneering projects have been initiated to separate and recycle waste, plastic containers, bricks cans, cardboard paper generated at ferries, and lead collection campaigns both on beaches as in seabed.

These initiatives arise, in turn, to raise awareness of the fragility of our maritime environment in the islands of Ibiza and Formentera.

Many companies that collaborate with the shipping companies, want to strive to promote and contribute to the protection of biodiversity and the marine ecosystem, especially in the oceanic Posidonia meadow, through dissemination and awareness projects aimed at all audiences.

In recent years, projects focused on the defense of our environmental heritage have been developed, one of these programs is the analysis of the presence of micro plastics on the beaches of Ibiza and Formentera, with the aim of raising public awareness of the need to reduce this type of waste.