
Rent a boat

If during your holiday you get the urge to surf in the crystal clear waters of the Mediterranean just let us know which kind of boat you want to rent and we will find it. Sports or luxury boat, any type you want !!

Ibiza discos

Ibiza is a paradise for all the people that loves music and the culture of the club, here you can enjoy the most advanced music technology.

It’s hard to imagine any other place in the world where the music and the festivities are lived with the same intensity. Exit to go dancing and to listen to one of the best DJs in the world it´s a normal routine, from Monday to Sunday, from morning to night, from May to October.

There are Beach Club and Musical Hotel for all who do not want to wait for the night to start having fun.For your pre booked tickets please contact us

Private Jet

In Fly e Vai we have a wide fleet of private jets for the most 'demanding customers.
The jet´s capacity is for a maximum of 12 people, with two crew members and the best service.
Do not hesitate to contact us for availability and booking by filling out our contact form.

Taxi Boat

For those who arrive in Ibiza during the use of the regular ferry lines, or for those looking for a VIP and exclusive service, we offer transfers from the port of Ibiza to Formentera by private boat.

Departure from Marina Botafoch, one of the most exclusive areas of Ibiza with arrival in 25 minutes in the port of Formentera.

The transfer will be made by highly qualified personnel and in compliance with the applicable safety standards of the Balearic Islands and the service is available 24 hours a day throughout the year.

Boats, 10 meters and a width of 3.30 meters with two 260HP engines, can comfortably carry from a minimum of 1 pax to a maximum of 9 PAX.

taxi nautico flyevai taslados ibiza formentera
We do not charge surcharges for night rates.
Additionally, to complete the service, you can hire the private or luxury transfer from the Ibiza airport.

Rates with VAT included.

Season From 1 to 5 people 6 people 7 people 8 people 9 people
From 01/04 to 30/06 and from 12/09 to 31/10
(Night supplement of 00.00 at 06.00)
520€ 580€ 640€ 720€ 800€
From 01/07 to 11/09
(SNight supplement of 00.00 at 06.00)
570€ 630€ 690€ 770€ 860€

For groups greater than 9 people, we have other types of rapid boat. (Maximum 11 people per boat).

Book here!

For information and quotes contact us
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tel+34 971 932962 // +34 619 990822

Contact form

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FLY E VAI GLOBLAL TOURISTIC SERVICES SL informa que procederá a tratar los datos de manera lícita, leal, transparente, adecuada, pertinente, limitada, exacta y actualizada. Es por ello que FLY E VAI GLOBLAL TOURISTIC SERVICES SL se compromete a adoptar todas las medidas razonables para que estos se supriman o rectifiquen sin dilación cuando sean inexactos. De acuerdo con los derechos que le confiere el la normativa vigente en protección de datos podrá ejercer los derechos de acceso, rectificación, limitación de tratamiento, supresión, portabilidad y oposición al tratamiento de sus datos de carácter personal así como del consentimiento prestado para el tratamiento de los mismos, dirigiendo su petición a la dirección postal indicada más arriba o al correo electrónico ROMY@FLYEVAI.COM.
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Fly e Vai & K-lenda

Mapa de Formentera


Mapa de Ibiza

Mapa Ibiza Flyevai