

Everyone likes to travel, or almost, and in this year it is perhaps the most coveted desire. ✈️ So before you even start taking a look at airline tickets, hotels, and activities for your next holiday, let's see what are some of the benefits that travel brings. 1-It stimulates the brain, which must adapt to new situations, out of the the comfort zone, and therefore increases cognitive capacity and increases neural connections. 2-Reduces the risk of suffering a heart attack and other cardiovascular problems and also depression .❤️ 3-Increases self-esteem because interacting with different people and places represents a compelling challenge. ?♂️ 4-It is antidepressant beacause it forces a change in routine that causes stress and to think "out of the box". ? 5-It makes us happy because it stimulates the senses and enriches us in experience and feeling of well-being. ? 6-You stay in shape because you are so trapped by the desire to meet and visit that you walk much more and eat less than in a normal day of routine. 7-Create antibodies, because during the journey you are in contact with the bacteria present in different environments and this process increases the body's immune defenses. So don't stop to travel this year!