

Tradicional cuisine, native products, local wine and great taste.

Formentera typical cuisine is closelY linked to the traditional way of life, strongly influenced by the link with the sea and rainfed agriculture. It is characterised by an almost absolute dependence on local product, due to the isolation of Pitiusas Islands.

This shortage of products, combined with creativity and the use of high quality product ( such as fish) , has given the rise to traditional recipes such as:

“Payesa” salad ( with peix sec – dries fish, made in a traditional way with a unique flavor. It is made with cartilaginous fish (ray), sun dried, salted and packaged with organice olive oil.)
Frit de polp ( fried octopus)
Sofrit pages ( with meat and potatoes)
Calamar a la bruta ( fried squid in its own ink)
Bullit de peix ( fish stew with potatoes)

The most characteristic desserts are:
Flaó (fresh cheese cake with mint) Orelletes ( eniddes swwet) and Greixonera (ensaimada pudding)
enjoy your meal!!!!