
Ibiza Road Trip Levante 2018

Poco se habla de nuestros viajes de promoción turística de nuestros productos y servicios en las islas de Ibiza y Formentera.

La promoción, estos road trips, el marketing “ a la antigua”, sin ordenadores, cara a cara, el contactar con el proveedor de primera estancia como son las agencias de viajes, es algo que nos gusta.

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Mercados en ibiza

Empieza la temporada y con ella, la época de las compras veraniegas, algo que nos gusta a todas y a casi todos, empiezan los Mercados en Ibiza.
Ibiza es bien conocida por nuestras noches de fiesta, por nuestras puestas de sol, por nuestras playas, por nuestro mar...pero Ibiza también está muy relacionada con la moda, y con los mercadillos hippies.

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Formentera specialists

This agency was born in 2010 when we realized that there was a hole that nobody covered, when we saw that there were no travel agencies at the airport.

And then, the transfer from the airport to the port of Ibiza to make the jump to Formentera was a nuisance.

The ignorance of the area, the lack of taxis, the dependence on schedules, the desire to arrive and start enjoying your vacation, the nuisance of the suitcases, not knowing what ferry company had to book to get to Formentera ... All these were impediments and obstacles for those who wanted to reach the southernmost Pitiusa, to reach the last pearl of the Mediterranean, to reach Formentera.

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Peix Nostrum -Ambrosia from the Mediterranean

Under the name of "Peix Nostrum" fish is being marketed from our coasts, from Ibiza and Formentera, fresh fish, almost artisanal fish, which fosters the local economy, bets for sustainability, for the minor arts and for the flavor.

"ben fresc, ben bo, ben pescat" is one of his slogans and for us, it resumes it perfectly: very fresh, very rich and  artisanal fished. What more can ask for?
Ibiza and Formentera are known for many reasons: beaches, good weather, beautiful people, party, our sea ... but the visitor who comes to visit the islands for the first time, gets usually surprised, on how  good is food here.
The reason ? the material, in this case: our fish, the Peix Nostrum.

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Este domingo, 24 de septiembre, Formentera acogerá la XXXV Vuelta en Windsurf con la participación de deportistas y aficionados internacionales.

Una ocasión unica para disfrutar de un fin de semana saludable en el paraiso del Mediterraneo.

Reserva ya tu estancia y tu ferry rapido en: WWW-FLYEVAI.COM